For many years I have admired brands as I’ve come across them, Ive never really had a central place to keep a record of them. So this page is exactly that, a list of brands that have inspired me in some way – be it clever ads, great design, inspiring stories or even just a product that I’ve used religiously for years and has added significant value to my life. These are not big corporate brands that are changing the world, but small creative brands that have found a unique way to inspire my world.

Allpress Coffee

For it’s humble persona and attention to quality

I was introduced to the Allpress Coffee Brand when these little hand drawn coffee cups subtlety started popping up around some of the suburban back streets of Sydney. The signs were so small that you certainly couldn’t make out the tiny little Allpress logo on the cup, so there was a real sense of mystery around what they represented. Obviously it wasn’t difficult to make the connection to coffee, but I remembering feeling like it was a confident move to be so subtle with their signage/branding so I was instantly curious. And from then on my love affair with Allpress has grown. Everything about the brand is simple, humble and refined, and there is a sense of warmth to the colour palette. I see Allpress as a perfect example of simple done well. And it doesn’t hurt that their coffee is delicious also.

Vice Golf

For it’s refreshing ability to see golf in a very different light.

This is a brand that in my mind provides such a great example of how to disrupt an industry. Vice Golf has injects a dose of youthful anti-establishment that golf so desperately needed. We need more brands like it in the golf space, to help pull golf out of the stuffy elitist rut it has been stuck in for so long. There is so much to love about this German Born brand. It’s a game of such small margins and constant refinement, and for those that play it becomes an absolute obsession – so the name speaks to a core truth of the game. And then there is the visual style of the brand – it’s everything that golf isn’t but should be – it’s bright, raw, imperfect, authentic, energetic, exuberant and brave.

British Columbia Tourism

For it’s courage and level of distinctiveness.

I could quite easily write an essay on what I love about this brand, so it will be a struggle to keep this short. But there is just so much to love…. not sure where to begin. But lets start with….the more you dig, the more you fall in love.
Wild at Heart. Wow. Talks to place, both physical nature of landscape but also the character and personality of the place. but also the people.
First item is support local. Start a movement and way of thinking. So great.
13 minute videos of just the sounds of nature, no audio, no voice over, just nature. Just so courageous.
Actually looks like its just been picked from the forest floor
Tone of voice, casual, conversational, witty, intriguing and consistent
Great brand video that talks you through the guidelines, every set of guidelines needs this. And so detailed with how to use the brand, and clearly it’s worked. And the tiny leaf, small detail but something many brands would struggle to achieve but can be so incredibly valuable for a brand.

  • Rolleiflex – love affair with the cameras
  • MUJI – shame mainstream, but massive love affair in Japan
  • That Hunter Valley wine, designs all her own labels